Person Centered Care

We at Gold Star Home Care have a standard of care we call Person Centered Care. 



What we mean: Communication means keeping people informed, listening actively, being open and accessible and ensuring that we are accurate, timely and complete in all that we say and write.

The results we want: Our clients, the people we work with and the public, see us as open and honest in our communication, believe that we hear and understand what they say and view us as a source of valid and reliable information that is easily accessible


What we mean: Cooperation means a willingness to work with others in good faith, assisting them and accepting assistance from them.

The results we want: Our clients and the people we work with join us in seeking solutions and improvements.


What we mean: Collaboration means a willingness and ability to work together with others as equals in the pursuit of common goals

The results we want: Our clients know we value them and are considerate of their needs.

Customer Service

What we mean: Customer Service means responding to our clients in a respectful, timely and effective manner

The results we want: Our clients know we value them and are considerate of their needs.


What we mean: Confidence means reliance on us to do our jobs effectively and efficiently with integrity and fairness.

The results we want: Our clients, the people we work with and the public, learn that we do our jobs with commitment, professionalism, efficiency and through accountability programs and accurate systems.


Our monitoring program at Gold Star Home Care provides peace of mind to the family members that staff is available 24 hours/day, 7days/week. This program allows our clients to maximize their independence while maintaining a secure and safe home environment.



Gold Star Home Care

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